Source code for bolt.spark.construct

from numpy import unravel_index, prod, arange, asarray, float64

from itertools import product

from bolt.construct import ConstructBase
from bolt.spark.array import BoltArraySpark
from bolt.spark.utils import get_kv_shape, get_kv_axes

[docs]class ConstructSpark(ConstructBase): @staticmethod
[docs] def array(a, context=None, axis=(0,), dtype=None): """ Create a spark bolt array from a local array. Parameters ---------- a : array-like An array, any object exposing the array interface, an object whose __array__ method returns an array, or any (nested) sequence. context : SparkContext A context running Spark. (see pyspark) axis : tuple, optional, default=(0,) Which axes to distribute the array along. The resulting distributed object will use keys to represent these axes, with the remaining axes represented by values. dtype : data-type, optional, default=None The desired data-type for the array. If None, will be determined from the data. (see numpy) Returns ------- BoltArraySpark """ if dtype is None: arry = asarray(a) dtype = arry.dtype else: arry = asarray(a, dtype) shape = arry.shape ndim = len(shape) # handle the axes specification and transpose if necessary axes = ConstructSpark._format_axes(axis, arry.shape) key_axes, value_axes = get_kv_axes(arry.shape, axes) permutation = key_axes + value_axes arry = arry.transpose(*permutation) split = len(axes) if split < 1: raise ValueError("split axis must be greater than 0, got %g" % split) if split > len(shape): raise ValueError("split axis must not exceed number of axes %g, got %g" % (ndim, split)) key_shape = shape[:split] val_shape = shape[split:] keys = zip(*unravel_index(arange(0, int(prod(key_shape))), key_shape)) vals = arry.reshape((prod(key_shape),) + val_shape) rdd = context.parallelize(zip(keys, vals)) return BoltArraySpark(rdd, shape=shape, split=split, dtype=dtype)
[docs] def ones(shape, context=None, axis=(0,), dtype=float64): """ Create a spark bolt array of ones. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple The desired shape of the array. context : SparkContext A context running Spark. (see pyspark) axis : tuple, optional, default=(0,) Which axes to distribute the array along. The resulting distributed object will use keys to represent these axes, with the remaining axes represented by values. dtype : data-type, optional, default=float64 The desired data-type for the array. If None, will be determined from the data. (see numpy) Returns ------- BoltArraySpark """ from numpy import ones return ConstructSpark._wrap(ones, shape, context, axis, dtype)
[docs] def zeros(shape, context=None, axis=(0,), dtype=float64): """ Create a spark bolt array of zeros. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple The desired shape of the array. context : SparkContext A context running Spark. (see pyspark) axis : tuple, optional, default=(0,) Which axes to distribute the array along. The resulting distributed object will use keys to represent these axes, with the remaining axes represented by values. dtype : data-type, optional, default=float64 The desired data-type for the array. If None, will be determined from the data. (see numpy) Returns ------- BoltArraySpark """ from numpy import zeros return ConstructSpark._wrap(zeros, shape, context, axis, dtype)
[docs] def concatenate(arrays, axis=0): """ Join two bolt arrays together, at least one of which is in spark. Parameters ---------- arrays : tuple A pair of arrays. At least one must be a spark array, the other can be a local bolt array, a local numpy array, or an array-like. axis : int, optional, default=0 The axis along which the arrays will be joined. Returns ------- BoltArraySpark """ if not isinstance(arrays, tuple): raise ValueError("data type not understood") if not len(arrays) == 2: raise NotImplementedError("spark concatenation only supports two arrays") first, second = arrays if isinstance(first, BoltArraySpark): return first.concatenate(second, axis) elif isinstance(second, BoltArraySpark): first = ConstructSpark.array(first, second._rdd.context) return first.concatenate(second, axis) else: raise ValueError("at least one array must be a spark bolt array")
@staticmethod def _argcheck(*args, **kwargs): """ Check that arguments are consistent with spark array construction. Conditions are: (1) a positional argument is a SparkContext (2) keyword arg 'context' is a SparkContext (3) an argument is a BoltArraySpark, or (4) an argument is a nested list containing a BoltArraySpark """ try: from pyspark import SparkContext except ImportError: return False cond1 = any([isinstance(arg, SparkContext) for arg in args]) cond2 = isinstance(kwargs.get('context', None), SparkContext) cond3 = any([isinstance(arg, BoltArraySpark) for arg in args]) cond4 = any([any([isinstance(sub, BoltArraySpark) for sub in arg]) if isinstance(arg, (tuple, list)) else False for arg in args]) return cond1 or cond2 or cond3 or cond4 @staticmethod def _format_axes(axes, shape): """ Format target axes given an array shape """ if isinstance(axes, int): axes = (axes,) elif isinstance(axes, list) or hasattr(axes, '__iter__'): axes = tuple(axes) if not isinstance(axes, tuple): raise ValueError("axes argument %s in the constructor not specified correctly" % str(axes)) if min(axes) < 0 or max(axes) > len(shape) - 1: raise ValueError("invalid key axes %s given shape %s" % (str(axes), str(shape))) return axes @staticmethod def _wrap(func, shape, context=None, axis=(0,), dtype=None): """ Wrap an existing numpy constructor in a parallelized construction """ if isinstance(shape, int): shape = (shape,) key_shape, value_shape = get_kv_shape(shape, ConstructSpark._format_axes(axis, shape)) split = len(key_shape) # make the keys rdd = context.parallelize(list(product(*[arange(x) for x in key_shape]))) # use a map to make the arrays in parallel rdd = x: (x, func(value_shape, dtype, order='C'))) return BoltArraySpark(rdd, shape=shape, split=split, dtype=dtype)